Monday, November 9, 2009

What I Didn’t Tell You Sunday!

There’s this weird little incident near the end of Act 1 where the disciples do something that we would consider strange.  Judas Iscariot has committed suicide after his betrayal of Jesus, and now there’s only eleven left in Jesus’ band of disciples.  So, in the midst of all the turmoil we talked about yesterday that they are facing in the first chapter of Acts, you can add this to it.  They are dealing with Jesus’ departure, waiting on the promised Holy Spirit, and going through all the emotions that are attached to losing a friend (remember….though Judas was a traitor, he had been one of them).  It is messy, and they are grieving.  Committed, they know the ministry must go on.  They must fill the vacancy left by Judas.  Look at what they do. 

And they prayed and said, “You, Lord, who know the hearts of all men, show which one of these two You have chosen to occupy this ministry and apostleship from which Judas turned aside to go to his own place.”  And they cast lots, and the lot fell to Matthias; and he was added to the eleven apostles” (Acts 1:24-27).

How crazy is that?  They’re facing one of the biggest decisions of their lives, and they just roll the dice, play the lottery, gamble for the right decision!?!  Why would they do that?  Why would they choose Matthias that way?   Would we ever make such a vital decision based on what seems like chance?  No!   And the reason is because we cannot fathom making a decision like that without the leadership and guidance of the Holy Spirit.  But, the Holy Spirit had not come yet…remember?  They didn’t have this constant presence of God with them like we do.  They had not experienced that supernatural energy we talked about yesterday.  They didn’t know the ever-present bidding and power of the Holy Spirit yet.

The most exciting part of this story to me is that you will never find it in scripture again.  NEVER!!  You will never find anyone casting lots, rolling the dice, consulting the stars, or calling the Psychic Hotline to determine the will of God again.  Why?  Because in Acts 2, the Spirit came.  In Acts 1, they are anticipating what God might do.  Hereafter, they are empowered with the very Spirit of God.

You have received power.  The Holy Spirit is in you.  You will be His witness…Won’t You?

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