This is an email from a friend of a friend, but I wanted to share it with you all as we think about International Missions and our Lottie Moon offering!
Merry Christmas 2009
I have returned to the thick of things in the office in these past weeks. The overwhelming theme that continues to permeate everything that we are doing is where we can cut the budget. Where can we find a little more money so that we are able to have funds for ministry?
My task this week was to purchase a vehicle for a new missionary family. I planned for it last year and had budgeted enough for the task based on the value of the dollar last year. The issue is the dollar is no longer worth as much and when converted to the local currency, I did not have enough money. No big deal. This is God’s domain. He has it figured out while we stand around pondering what to do.
So, the car salesman comes in and begins to tell me about all the bells and whistles on each of the vehicles, and I permit him to go through his pitch. When he finishes, I thank him and explain that this is the amount of money that I have to work with, and I know that your prices are higher than that, but would you be willing to negotiate? I think the definition of car salesman is the same no matter in what culture they are found, and we began the negotiations. J
But as we completed the negotiations, the conversation turned in a spiritual direction. It began that evening at the car dealership and continued the next day in my office. He wants to come back from time to time to discuss “spiritual matters.” When I completed with the car salesman, I then journeyed down to the bank to look for our funds that had been transferred and for some reason had not shown up on the books.
That conversation also took a while and was one with the beginnings of building of a relationship with an office filled with young professionals that desired to speak English. I inquired as to whom they were able to find to speak English so that they could improve. He began to tell me how they will choose one day a week to speak only English to each other. I suggested that I could come and speak English with them once a week if he were interested. I enjoy telling stories, and I would be glad to come and share some stories from God’s Word with them every week. He was thrilled, and we are going to begin this week.
But then the kicker was last night. I had dinner with several from the travel agency with whom I work almost every day. They are from India and were asking me so many questions about what I do. What is my purpose for being in the country? How are you funded?
Clearly the Lord opened that door to share His reason for me and my colleagues to be here, and then I was able to tell them about you. You, all of the people that continue to work cooperatively to fund the Lord’s work around the world. Because of your part, 1 car salesman heard the Gospel. Because of your part, 5 young bank professionals will hear the Gospel in the coming weeks. Because of your part, 3 people from India were asking what does the Baptist Mission do and heard the Gospel. Because of your part, the truck drivers in West Africa will hear.
We are one body in Christ. The feet are ready to go and going. Thank you for giving to Lottie Moon so that we can continue……………………….
Merry Christmas! I love you, Kathy
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